The pronunciation of New Testament Greek


Below are listed a selection of on-line resources for the pronunciation of koine Greek.  I have not attempted an exhaustive list; these should give the reader a place to begin.

Those who have followed my posts for some time know that I prefer to use the modern Greek pronunciation for New Testament Greek.  The links below include a variety of systems.

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Harry Foundalis________________________________________________

Harry Foundalis' website includes a thorough discussion of modern Greek and Attic Greek phonology, found here:

The Biblical Language Center _____________________________________________

The PDF linked below is a detailed and fairly technical discussion of a system for koine pronunciation which approximates the way Greek was pronounced in the Roman period.


The website has a version of the Greek New Testament read very fluently by a native speaker of Greek, using a modern Greek pronunciation.  You must sign into this website and choose Greek as the language:

New Testament read in Greek ________________________________________________________

This webpage contains links to each book of the New Testament read in Greek.  The author is not a native speaker, but uses a modern Greek pronunciation.

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